New Maine Education Series

A new series will be coming to The Maine View.  The “State of Maine Education” will be beginning shortly.  I spend most of my time giving you my opinions so this series will gather opinions of others.  I have sought to interview education professionals from all levels.  I thought it better to give you  view from the trenches so to speak.  Look for the interviews to start coming in soon.

If you are an ed professional (Teacher, researcher, administrator, etc.) or anyone involved in some level of Maine education in or out of an actual school or district and would like to participate please use the contact form below (after the cut).  The more interviews we can get, the better picture of the state of Maine’s education we will get.  Sources will be protected if they wish.  Also if you would like to contribute an Op/Ed on an education issue, whether you are involved in the education field or not, I would gladly publish those as well. Continue reading